About Ryn Del Mar

Del Mar was always enthralled with dance, and when a rare bone disease stifled her dance career, she vowed to capture its enchanting romance and physical intensity another way: in paint.

Del Mar continues to experiment and evolve with each painting produced. She uses many tools to amplify emotion and movement, including palette knives, paste, and acrylic spray-paint. She agrees with dancer Martha Graham’s statements that ‘the body is a sacred garment’ and a moment is ‘important, vital, and worth living,’ not to be ‘unnoticed and unused.’

Artist Statement

We have countless cliché phrases to describe the feeling dance and painting give me in my best moments: ‘Cloud 9’, ‘In the Zone’, ‘Runner’s High’, ‘Seventh Heaven’ … I paint to communicate to all the blissful energy of dance; I dance to remember the satisfying hard work behind grace.